Friday 31 August 2007

Right, time for some writing

Part of me is sad that Big Brother is over, although I'm glad Brian won. But I've calculated the time that I spent watching it instead of writing, and it's not pretty. An hour show every night for 5 nights and 1and a half on Friday, so that's 6.5 hours. Then there was the On the Couch programme, which I tried to see every week, so that was another hour. Then there was all the live feed I watched. Basically, watching Big Brother has been like a part time job for me over the last 3 months. What am I going to do with all that extra time?
Hopefully I'll get some writing done. I've started my second novel, but I haven't been doing as much work on it as I should have, which is obviously all Channel 4's fault and nothing to do with the fact that I can be a lazy so-and-so sometimes.
I auditioned for Big Brother 6, but I don't think I'd want to again. I wouldn't like to be on camera all of the time, and I know I'd be one who got booed like Charlie or nasty Nick, 'cos I don't think about what I say before it comes out of my mouth. I always give too much detail, too. I was giving an interview to a journo earlier today, and she asked why me and hubby split up (don't worry, we got back together a year later) and I said, 'Well, I cheated on him about 8 months previously so I told him because I knew it was the only way he'd let me leave without a fight,' (metaphorical, not physical, I'd pail the crap out of him!)
Too much information, girl! It's like I have no filter any more, everything just comes pouring out. Which is not great when you're being interviewed, you're supposed to prepare and only let out the information you don't mind being made public. I do think about it, but as soon as someone starts asking me questions it's like my brain goes on holiday and my mouth takes over.


klahanie said...

Greetings Clare-
'Big Brother'. I still cannot work out,what with all the thousands of people who audition, why they can't seem to get some interesting quick-witted people in da house.
Ofcourse, this is only my opinion. I know plenty of folks who would be a real laugh on that show. Still, I guess Channel 4 must know what they are doing?
I see from perusing through the comments you have left on other Mind Bloggling blogs, that you are going to do a second comedy novel. I would like to try and write a jokey blog. Perhaps you could post up a portion of your comedy. I could use some inspiration.
Now that Big Brother is over and you have more time; I wish you well in writing your new novel.
Best wishes to you Clare. From klahanie (some dude Lost in Leek).

emma said...

I have to admit (it's like confession this) to watching it too. the on the couch thing I found absolutely fascinating. But when you add up the hours! Blimey.

emma said...

I have to admit (it's like confession this) to watching it too. the on the couch thing I found absolutely fascinating. But when you add up the hours! Blimey.

Domenica said...

Hi Clare,

I also 'confess' to watching Big Brother, I particularly enjoyed 'BB on the couch' and think Brian was a worthy winner!

purkul said...


i know what you mean about big brother, i used to watch it far too much so cut myself off all together last year. i've watched a little bit this year but it just isn't as good as it used to be i don't think! I think its a case of the more you watch the more you watch if your with me!
